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Our Impact in 2023

Throughout the year of 2023,

Compassion's Foundation, Inc.:


Received 139 crisis hotline calls.


Served 252 clients.


Provided emergency safe shelter for 76 clients.


Arkansas Statistics

40.8% of Arkansas women and 34.8% of Arkansas men experience intimate partner physical violence and/or intimate partner sexual violence in their lifetimes.


453 victims in Arkansas were served by domestic violence shelters and programs in one day.


18.6% of Arkansas women will experience stalking in their lifetime.


2022 Domestic Violence Homicides

45 Total Deaths
23 Women, 15 Men, 7 Children
18 Intimate Partner Violence


Arkansas's rape rate is 77.2 rapes per 100,000 inhabitants, making it the second-highest in the country.


Statistics are imported from the sites below. For more information and statistics:

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